Explain Like I'm The Flipping New Guy (Series)

Explain Like I'm The Flipping New Guy (Series)

Welcome to the Explain Like I'm The Flipping New Guy Series!

This series will deliver various blog posts about a certain activity or topic with detailed instructions.

Each post will go over the ins and outs of that activity or topic by describing as much as possible as simply as possible. Basically, it's trying to explain anything to anyone about everything related to travel.

These articles, which we like to abbreviate: “ELITFNG”, could range from basic to advanced topics. If you spend some time on the internet you know where the name of the series is inspired from.

We basically took the name of a forum on Reddit, called r/explainlikeimfive, which is based on people asking questions and having others answer with an explanation that is so simple a five-year-old could understand.

Here's how r/explainlikeimfive put it:

"Explain Like I'm Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly explanations. Don't Panic!"

This pretty much how we got Explain Like I'm The Flipping New Guy or ELITFNG

It's fabulous isn't?

The reason for doing such a series stems from our own personal experience.

We know what it's like to be completely clueless about how to do something. It's not fun. Couple that unknowingness in the era of limitless information and trying to teach yourself through online research becomes annoying. Thus, came the genesis of this series.

Let us be the WikiHow to any travel topic out there. We promise that if we cannot explain something we will try our best, all while leaving you plenty of resources to make you feel confident.

So please help yourself and dive into Explain Like I'm the Flipping New Guy