Forty Degree Waters 

Jumping Into 40 Degree Alpine Water 

Forty Degree Waters is meant to motivate you just like jumping into 40 degree water. At first it is undesirable, but after jumping in you feel amazing

Forty Degree Waters was created to share everything related to travel. We showcase all the places we visited as a way to document our journey and create an online bookkeeping to those experiences.

Forty Degree Water Logo

At first glance it seems like we are just another travel influencer brand trying to spread the love for travel through our "flex". We understand that might be one of the implications upon starting up this brand.


This is exactly our plan: share our love and passion for traveling with an audience by allowing them to dive in through our experience.

Starting Forty Degree Waters is our way of accomplishing monetization while enjoying our travels. If we are already going to travel, might as well try to get paid for it.

Seeking Partnerships: We are currently seeking oppurtunity for monetization in forms of partnerships or sponsorship. If you are a brand, business, or third-party interested please reach out to

This website provides blog and photos. Please refer below for specifics. We also promote additional content through our social media under @fortydegreewaters.

Our blog consists of the following:

  • Hike review
  • Food review
  • How-to articles
  • Recommend & itinerary

Our photography consist of the following:

  • Photo Album of the journey that we experienced
  • High Quality photos that can be purchased

Happy Travels!